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To be eligible to register for the BCPNP-Entrepreneur Stream, an applicant must:​​

  • have a minimum $600,000 CAD in personal net worth (this can include spouse or common law partner’s assets)

  • have a minimum of three years of experience as an owner/manager, or more than four years as a senior manager (with a minimum of 3 direct reports for consideration of a senior management role) of a business within the last ten years

  • demonstrate two years of post-secondary education, or have experience as a business owner-manager with 100% ownership for at least three of the past five years 


For application consideration, the BCPNP will only consider applicants seeking to establish, or purchase and improve, a business that contributes to the economic growth of the province.

For a new business, the business plan must:

  • show potential growth and profitability

  • show that the product or service would succeed in the proposed market

  • include a market entry strategy

  • show that it will create jobs

  • have acceptable risk factors​

For a take over of an existing business, the applicant must indicate:

  • a feasible expansion plan for the current business

  • that it is financially stable to expand the ongoing business

​The BCPNP will investigate whether the applicant's existing skill is transferable to the new venture.

The applicant must demonstrate:

  • an ability to make a minimum personal investment of $200,000 CAD, or an investment of $400,000 if the applicant proposed having a key staff member.


If approved, the applicant will have four (4) months to complete and submit the required documentation and the applicant will be required to sign a performance agreement and they will receive a letter supporting them for a two-year temporary work permit.


After signing the performance agreement, the applicant must arrive in BC with a work permit within 12 months and having filed an arrival report within two months of arriving.


Finally, the business must be set up within 20 months of arrival.  If after 20 months, all conditions have been met, the BCPNP will nominate the applicant for permanent residence.

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